Anisotropic Resistivity

A material has anisotropic resistivity such that its resistivity in one direction say along the x axis has maximum value \(\rho_{max}\) and minimum value \(\rho_{min}=\frac{2\rho_{max}}{5}\) along other axes which are perpendicular to the x-axis from a specimen of such a material is cut a strip ABCD of length l=9cm and width b=1cm . The x-axis passes through the strip making an angle \(\theta\) with the edge AB as shown in the figure. If between the faces AD and BC a constant potential 196 is applied. The potential difference between points P and Q of the midpoints of AB and CD respectively that you will expect is maximum when \((\theta=1+x)\) \(** radian**\)

find \([100x]\) where [.] Is greatest integer function


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