Science Puzzles

Science puzzles focused on foundational mechanics, chemistry, and biology. Do one puzzle a day for a month!

Who Gets Their Tea Cooler?

Redesign This Gravity Ring

Which One's the Heaviest?

What Happens to the Gaps?

Share the Volts

Where Is the Reaction Force the Greatest?

How Do the Trade Winds Flow?

Will It Sink or Float?

What Happens on the Right?

Let's Lift an Elephant

Brilliantiums Are Lovely Flowers

Which One Will Be Brighter?

Label This Bimetal Thermometer

Keep It Balanced

How Fast Is the New Gear?

Where Is the Earth Best Protected?

Which Elephant Will Fall?

Fuzz and Duke Love Fetch

Is Heat Used or Produced?

Is She Accelerating?

What Will a Voltmeter Read?

Where Does the Energy Go?

What Are the Father's Alleles?

Is It Balanced?

Beware of the Cheese!

You Eat Like a Bird

Can You Free the Nut?

How Fast is the Last Gear?

Make It a Bit Brighter

Fix This Mobile

Course description

A one-month puzzle-a-day challenge! Topics include: heat flow, light ray tracing, balancing mobiles, pulleys, electrical circuits, gear mechanisms, kinematics, force diagrams, buoyancy, chemical reactions, genomics, and earth science.

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Advanced Math Puzzles

Advanced math puzzles focused on probability and statistics, number theory, and calculus. Do one puzzle a day for a month!

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