Everyday Math
Reason about numeric quantities and datasets in practical contexts.
Fractions and Data
Visualizing Fractions
Introducing Number Lines
Equivalent Fractions
Fraction Operations
Place Value
Introducing Exponents
Scientific Notation
Introduction to Signed Numbers
Practice Introduction to Signed Numbers
Adding the Same Signs
Practice Adding the Same Signs
Adding With Different Signs
Practice Adding With Different Signs
Subtracting Signed Numbers
Practice Subtracting Signed Numbers
Multiplying Signed Numbers
Practice Multiplying Signed Numbers
Dividing Signed Numbers
Practice Dividing Signed Numbers
Dataset Basics
Practice Dataset Basics
The Mean
Practice The Mean
Relationships in Data
Practice Relationships in Data
Working with Data Capstone
Practice Histograms
Standard Deviation
Practice Standard Deviation
The Median
Practice The Median
Box and Whisker Plots
Practice Box and Whisker Plots
Course description
Our journey starts with fractions, percents, and ratios in everyday contexts. Interactive problems and intuitive visuals help you see numeric quantities and their relationships in a new light. This course then turns to the most common ways to visualize and interpret datasets. By the end, you'll be using bar charts, histograms, line graphs, and scatter plots to reason about data. By revisiting topics ranging from fractions and percents to standard deviation, you will reinforce the foundations of your mathematical knowledge and sharpen your problem solving skills. This course empowers you to continue pursuing your STEM learning goals with mathematical readiness and renewed confidence.
Topics covered
- Fractions
- Ratios
- Percents
- Number Lines
- Bar Models
- Area
- Place Value
- Exponents
- Scientific Notation
- Data tables
- Bar charts
- Line graphs
- Dot plots
- The mean
- Scatter plots
- Linear regression
- Best-fit curves
- Histograms
- Standard deviation
- The median
- Quartiles
- Box and whisker plots
Up next
Mathematical Thinking
Learn the essential tools for mastering algebra, logic, and number theory.
Jump ahead