Math Puzzles
Puzzles using numerical logic, algebra, and geometry. Do one puzzle a day for a month!
Why Is It Imbalanced?
Can You Find a Way?
Go Small or Go Home!
Complete This Triangle
How Much Altogether?
What was the Original Area?
Rearrange the Dots
What Is This Sum?
How Much Space Is Left Empty?
Make Each Edge Sum to Nine
Aim Carefully
Find the Value of B
Find the Total Shaded Area
Can You Make It Impossible?
What Is the Sum of These Angles?
What Costs the Most?
Find the Yellow Area
What Does Average Look Like?
How Much Is Shaded?
It's Supposed To Be an 8
Measure Carefully!
Is This True or False?
Which Waves Make These Waves?
Find the Sum of These Angles
Which Is Greater?
Find the Shortest Path
Who Has the Biggest Class?
Compare the Shaded Areas
Which Is Bigger?
Find the Area
Solve This Cryptogram
How Often Does Sam Win?
When Will Two Dots Collide?
Can You Find the Truth?
What Happens in the Long Run?
How Often Do They Converge?
Are They All Equal?
Compare the Areas
What Is Her Flight Path?
Can You do Math in Base Four-Thirds?
Where Should Xavier Set Up Shop?
How Many are Being Honest?
One, Two, Three, Four...
How Likely Is a Short Run
Find the Derivative
Where Do You Even Start?
Please Make It Prime
What Area Remains Shaded?
This Is Why You Test Twice.
How Long Does It Take Sally?
Can You Make It Even?
What Can You Expect From Repeated Sampling?
This Is Not Base Ten.
How Much Variety Is Possible?
When Does the Ship Disappear?
Which is More Likely?
Who Makes the Fewest Hops?
Is It Fair?
Let's Tile the Plane with Fractals!
Where Does the Ball Fall?
How Far Is Anna From Tobias?
Don't Double-Count Your Wins!
Course description
A one-month puzzle-a-day challenge! Topics include: numerical logic, algebra, and geometry.
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Science Puzzles
Science puzzles focused on foundational mechanics, chemistry, and biology. Do one puzzle a day for a month!
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