Science · Level 1

Scientific Thinking

Open your eyes to the world around you by solving puzzles with science.

Nature is a Puzzle

Science Rules

Practice Science Rules


Practice Structures


Practice Gears


Practice Balance


Practice Pulleys


Practice Snooker

Hot Matter

Heat Flow


Flow in Pipes



Light Bending


Quantum Light

Boats on the River

Ants Marching

Bouncy Balls

Relativity and Simultaneity

Time Travel

Course description

Explaining the world means thinking with scientific principles — but usually they're cloaked in technical manipulations. In this course we'll dispense with number-crunching and mathematics in search of something more useful: physical insight. There are no prerequisites for this course — in it you'll explore the laws of physics and principles of engineering and learn the rules as you play. There will be plenty of surprises along the way, but by the end you'll have gained the understanding and insight to look at the world in a different way.

Topics covered

  • Balances
  • Buoyancy
  • Electric Circuits
  • Forces
  • Gears
  • Heat Flow
  • Kaleidoscopes
  • Pulleys
  • Quantum Superposition
  • Scientific Thinking

Prerequisites and next steps

There are no prerequisites for this course. We'll bring the rules, you bring the imagination.

Up next

Science · Level 2

Physics of the Everyday

Investigate everyday physics, from household objects to weather patterns.

Jump ahead