Copying Files in Different ways. Which will take less time ? 2

I have a folder named 'Files' in my PC and I want to copy it to my pen drive. There are 3 files in the folder of 200 MB each. Again in my PC when i copy the entire folder copying starts at a speed of 3 Mbps and than increases at a rate of 0.6 Mb/min. But when I copy my files separately, copying speed starts at 3 Mbps and again increases at a rate of 0.6 Mb/min. But when I copy the next file the speed starts at a speed of 1 Mbps more than the last one and then the speed increases at a rate of 0.1 Mb/min less than the previous one. So, which one will take less time?

Before solving this question I recommend you to solve the 1st question of this series. Copying Files in Different ways. Which will take less time ?


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