Pokemon to the rescue

Ash and his Pokémon are on a recon mission to save a city. They start off at point \(A\) which is the origin. The city is at the point \(B=(18, 0).\) They want to get there as fast as possible but there are dark forests (shaped in quadrilaterals) in the way. The corners of Forest 1 are \((1, 1), (1, -1), (9, -1)\) and \((9, 1).\) Those of Forest 2 are \((11, 1), (11, -1), (17, -1)\) and \((17, 1).\) Between these forests, there is a safehouse, namely point \(C=(10,0).\)

Now, since the dark forests are ruled by unknown monsters, the Pokémon crew want to keep 1 units distance away from them. With these conditions, how much distance do they have to cover if they have to get to point \(B\) and back with the shortest amount of travel but also have to stay at the safehouse on the way there and back? Round your answer to the nearest integer.


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