Classical Mechanics
Use core principles of physics to understand matter in motion—from drones to fireflies.
Formula One Racing
Cellular Automaton
Kinematics in the City
The Kinematic Equations
Angular Kinematics
Projectile Motion
Gene Expression Problem
What are Forces?
The Three Laws of Motion
Weight and Scales
Drag Forces
Banked Curve Problem
Exploring Energy
Work-Energy Theorem
Conservation of Energy
Elastic Energy
Potential Energy
Drone Battery Problem
Momentum in the Office
Impulse-Momentum Theorem
Rocket Equation
Ideal Gas Law
Photon Problem
Relativity on the Train
Center-of-Mass Frame
Rotating Frames
Einstein's Theory of Relativity
Tower of Cards
Irregular Towers
Static Equilibrium
Rope Statics
Body Statics
Plank Statics
Energy Landscapes
Elastic Forces
Simple Harmonic Oscillators
Large-Angle Pendulum
Vibrations in Molecules
Coupled Oscillations
Loaded Strings
Firefly Problem
Natural Units
Lagrangian Mechanics
Course description
Here we'll establish the bedrock principles of physics and use them to reveal matter in motion; from drones and rockets to skyscrapers and blinking fireflies. By the end, you'll develop a rigorous approach to describing the natural world and you'll be ready to take on new challenges in quantum mechanics and special relativity.
Topics covered
- Forces
- Kinematics
- Kinetic Energy
- Momentum
- Newton's Laws
- Oscillations
- Potential Energy
- Projectile Motion
- Reference Frames
- Rocket Equation
- Static Equilibrium
- Work
Prerequisites and next steps
You’ll need an understanding of mathematics and fundamental physics. We recommend starting your physics journey with Physics of the Everyday.