Convergence Tests
Recall that the sum of an infinite series is defined to be the limit , where . If the limit exists, the series converges; otherwise it diverges.
Many important series do not admit an easy closed-form formula for . In this situation, one can often determine whether a given series converges or diverges without explicitly calculating , via one of the following tests for convergence.
Divergence Test
The first and simplest test is not a convergence test.
Divergence test:
If does not exist, or exists and is nonzero, then diverges.
The proof is easy: if the series converges, the partial sums approach a limit . Then
The series diverges, because does not exist.
The divergence test does not apply to the harmonic series , because . In this case, the divergence test gives no information.
It is a common misconception that the "converse" of the divergence test holds, i.e. if the terms go to then the sum converges. In fact, this is false, and the harmonic series is a counterexample--it diverges (as will be shown in a later section).
Ratio Test
The intuition for the next two tests is the geometric series , which converges if and only if . The precise statement of the test requires a concept that is used quite often in the study of infinite series.
A series is absolutely convergent if converges. If a series is convergent but not absolutely convergent, it is called conditionally convergent.
Ratio test:
Suppose . If , the series converges absolutely. If , the series diverges. If (or the limit does not exist), the test gives no information.
Consider the series . For which values of does this series converge?
Partial Solution:
The ratio is
which approaches as
So, if , the series converges absolutely, and if the series diverges. For the question is more delicate. It turns out that the series converges for but not for Hence the answer is
The ratio test is quite useful for determining the interval of convergence of power series, along the lines of the above example. Note that at the endpoints of the interval, the ratio test fails.
Root Test
The root test works whenever the ratio test does, but the limit involved in the root test is often more difficult from a practical perspective.
Root test:
Suppose . Then if , the series converges absolutely; if , it diverges; if , the test is inconclusive.
Here, denotes the limit of the supremum of a sequence, in this case. If we allow to be which is taken to be for purposes of the test the always exists (while the limit might not); if the limit exists, then it equals the . In practice, using the root test usually involves computing the limit.
A fact that is often useful in applications of the root test is that This follows because the limit of the natural log, is by L'Hopital's rule.
Does converge or diverge?
Take and get
so the series converges (absolutely).
Integral Test
Often the series can be extended to a nice function , and the integral of is "close" to the sum.
Integral test:
If is a nonnegative, continuous, decreasing function on , then the series converges if and only if the improper integral converges.
Note that it is important that is decreasing and continuous, as otherwise it is conceivable that the values of at integers might be unrelated to its values everywhere else e.g. imagine an that is 0 except very near integers, where it spikes to ; such an might have a convergent integral, but the series will diverge
The -series are defined for any real number . For which does the associated -series converge?
For , the series diverges by the divergence test. For , is a nonnegative decreasing function on . For ,
which diverges for and converges to for . So the same is true of the associated series.
The case is the harmonic series, which diverges because the associated integral
diverges. So the answer is that the -series converges if and only if .
Comparison Test
This test can determine that a series converges by comparing it to a (simpler) convergent series.
Comparison test:
If is absolutely convergent and for sufficiently large , then is absolutely convergent.
Note that it only makes sense to compare nonnegative terms, so this test will never help with conditionally convergent series.
Does converge or diverge?
Since , and converges by the integral test it is a -series with the series converges by the comparison test.
The comparison test can also determine that a series diverges:
Does converge or diverge?
Since , if the series converges, then so does . But the harmonic series diverges, so the original series must diverge as well.
The comparison test is useful, but intuitively it feels limited. For instance, is not , and yet the series ought to converge because the terms "behave like" for large . A refinement of the comparison test, described in the next section, will handle series like this.
Limit Comparison Test
Instead of comparing to a convergent series using an inequality, it is more flexible to compare to a convergent series using behavior of the terms in the limit.
Limit comparison test:
If converges absolutely and exists (and is finite), then converges absolutely.
More symmetrically, if and exists and is nonzero, then and both converge or both diverge.
converges, because does and
Comparing to -series is often the right strategy.
Does converge or diverge?
Apply the limit comparison test with and use L'Hopital's rule, since the derivative of is
So the series diverges by limit comparison with the harmonic series.
Alternating Series Test
Alternating series arises naturally in many common situations, including evaluations of Taylor series at negative arguments. They furnish simple examples of conditionally convergent series as well. There is a special test for alternating series that detects conditional convergence:
Alternating series test:
If is a decreasing sequence of positive integers such that , then converges.
If , the test immediately shows that the alternating harmonic series is (conditionally) convergent.
Note that it is enough for the to be eventually decreasing i.e. for sufficiently large
Show that converges.
This follows directly from the alternating series test, if we can show that is eventually decreasing. The easiest way to do this is to consider the function and take its derivative:
So for , which implies the sequence is decreasing for .
One interesting fact about the alternating series test is that it gives an effective error bound as well:
Let be a series that satisfies the conditions of the alternating series test, and suppose that is decreasing for (not just eventually decreasing). If the sum of the series is and the partial sum is denoted , then
Give an upper bound for the error in the estimate .
Assuming that is the sum of the series , the alternating series test says that this error is at most which is roughly . In fact, the sum is , so the error is almost exactly half that, or .
To show that is, in fact, the sum of the series, one possibility is to derive the Taylor series which is valid on , and then to use a theorem of Abel which shows that the identity can be extended to the endpoint of the interval.
The alternating series test is actually a special case of the Dirichlet test for convergence, presented in the next section.
Dirichlet Test
Dirichlet test:
Suppose are sequences and is a constant, and
(1) is a decreasing sequence,
(2) ,
(3) if is the partial sum of the , then for all .Then converges.
The alternating series test is the special case where and
Let be a decreasing sequence of real numbers such that . Show that
converges for all real numbers which are not integer multiples of . (This is useful in the theory of Fourier series.)
This follows from the Dirichlet test and the identity
because the absolute value of the quantity on the right is which is a constant real number as long as the denominator is not . This is why we had to assume that was not an integer multiple of
Abel Test
Abel's test is similar to Dirichlet's test, and is most useful for conditionally convergent series.
Abel test:
Suppose are sequences and is a constant, and
(1) converges,
(2) is a monotone (increasing or decreasing) sequence,
(3) for all .Then converges.
Note that if is positive or is absolutely convergent this follows immediately from the comparison test without assumption (2) So the interesting series to which this applies is conditionally convergent.
The series converges by Abel's test take , which is increasing and bounded above by