Factoring Quadratics
Factoring quadratics is a method that allows us to simplify quadratic expressions and solve equations. Common cases include factoring trinomials and factoring differences of squares.
A quadratic expression may be written as a sum, or as a product much the way that 14 can be written as a product, or a sum, Factoring a trinomial is the process of rewriting a sum as a product.
Leading Coefficient = 1
Quadratic expressions may be written in standard form as
Let's begin by factoring trinomials with such as
First, we need to find the product
Next, we need to find a factor pair of that sums to So we need a factor pair of 15 that sums to 8. The factor pair of 3 and 5 sums to 8.
Next, we need to rewrite the "-term" of our quadratic using our new sum:
Lastly, we can factor by grouping, factoring the first two terms of our expression and the last two terms:
The factored form of is
The product of and is
A factor pair of that sums to is and
Rewriting our expression, we have
Grouping and simplifying, we have
The factored form of is
The product of and is
A factor pair of that sums to is and
Rewriting our expression, we have
Grouping and simplifying, we have
The factored form of is
If the following statement is true, what is the value of
Observe that the left-hand side of the equation can be factorized as Equating this with the right-hand side gives .
Which of the following solutions is the correct factored form of this trinomial.
Leading Coefficient 1
Remember that quadratic expressions may be written in standard form as Let's factor some expressions in which
We'll begin with and follow the same steps as above..
First, we need to find the product
Next, we need to find a factor pair of that sums to So we need a factor pair of 6 that sums to 7. The factor pair of 6 and 1 sums to 7.
Next, we need to rewrite the "-term" of our quadratic using our new sum:
Lastly, we can factor by grouping, factoring the first two terms of our expression and the last two terms:
The factored form of is
The product of and is
A factor pair of that sums to is and
Rewriting our expression, we have
Grouping and simplifying, we have
The factored form of is
If what is the value of
Common Factor
Sometimes, we can simplify a quadratic expression by factoring out a common factor before we completely factor the trinomial.
For example, let's factor
Every term in the trinomial is divisible by 3 so let's factor out a 3:
Now we can factor following the same process that we used above.
The value of is The factor pair of that sums to is 8 and
Let's begin by factoring out a 10:
The product of and is
A factor pair of that sums to is and
Quadratics Factoring - Basic
Given a quadratic equation , how can we factor it?
First, we need to know that the factored form of a quadratic equation is , where and are the roots of the equation and is the coefficient of the first term.
By expanding this, we get .
Now we can try to factor the equation, but first we need to factor out , which is the coefficient of the first term. Then, we can find the roots of the equation by trying out some values, since we know and .
Factorize .
We don't need to factor out since .
Now that we know and , we know that the values and satisfy the condition for and .
Quadratics Factoring - Intermediate
Given a quadratic equation , we can factor it easily using methods described here. This, however, may not be the best method when dealing with the general quadratic with solutions which are not real. For these cases, the quadratic formula might be more applicable.
Consider the quadratic equation . If we divide the whole expression by , we get Rearranging gives Let us now add to both sides: Taking the square root of both sides, we have Rearranging one last time, we get
Notice that now we are able to find the roots of a quadratic even if they are not real. This allows us to factor it very easily. Thus for any quadratic , we can factor it into , where and is some constant.
Using our formula, we obtain Our quadratic is thus for some constant . However, since the leading coefficient of our first term is 1, we know that the factorization must be
This method of factorization also works when we are not dealing with quadratics with real solutions/coefficients.
We first observe that this has no real solutions because its discriminant is negative: We can proceed to finding its roots using Using our formula Similarly, we get
We can now write our equation as Notice that has to be in order to make the coefficient of . Thus, we finally get
This allows us to factorize quadratics with irrational and even imaginary coefficients.
Again, our discriminant is Using our formula we get
Thus, our factorization becomes
Again, by comparing this with our initial polynomial, we see that . Thus, our final factorized form is