Let's start with an easy and well-known summation.
Find a general formula for 1+2+3+⋯+n.
Let's start by assuming that the above summation can be expressed as a polynomial function f(n) of the form
Let's equate this function to our original summation:
Now we want to simplify this equation. There's no easy way to simplify this because the left-hand side is not a proper expression. We first need to express the left-hand side as a proper expression.
The easiest way to do this is to compare the above expression to the summation 1+2+3+⋯+n+(n+1).
We know that
Then taking (2)−(1) gives
Since this expression works for all positive integers n, we can compare the degrees of the left-hand side and right-hand side. But before we do that, it's worth noting that the highest degree on the left-hand side is 1. For this equation to satisfy all values of n, the degree of the right-hand side must also be 1. Hence we can eliminate all variables on the right except for A1+(2n+1)A2 because all other values are 0. Then the new equation is
which gives
n+12A2⇒A1=A1+(2n+1)A2=2A2n+(A1+A2)=1, A1+A2=1=A2=21.
Substituting A1=A2=21 into (1) gives
Now we just need to find the value of A0, which is easy. Since the above expression is true for all values of n, we can just try substituting a specific value of n into the equation and then find the value of A0. For simplicity, let's try n=2 (but you can also try any other positive integer n):
Therefore, we have now completely simplified the equation. Expressing it in proper form, we have
1+2+3+\cdots +n
& = \frac { 1 }{ 2 } n+\frac { 1 }{ 2 } { n }^{ 2 } \\
& = \frac { { n }^{ 2 }+n }{ 2 } \\
& = \frac { n\left( n+1 \right) }{ 2 }. \ _\square
Let's try a slightly harder version of this problem. Before seeing the solution, try figuring out the answer on your own!
Find a general formula for 12+22+32+⋯+n2.
As in the previous problem, we have
On subtracting the equations,
The variables on right-hand side with a degree greater than 2 can be discarded:
On expressing in proper form,
On comparing the degrees,
On substituting this into the original equation,
since variables with degree greater than 3 can be removed.
Now, since all values of n work, we can substitute a value of n to find the value of A0. For n=1,
{ 1 }^{ 2 }+{ 2 }^{ 2 }+{ 3 }^{ 2 }+\cdots +{ n }^{ 2 }
& = \frac { 1 }{ 6 } n+\frac { 1 }{ 2 } { n }^{ 2 }+\frac { 1 }{ 3 } { n }^{ 3 } \\
& = \frac { 2{ n }^{ 3 }+3{ n }^{ 2 }+n }{ 6 } \\
& = \frac { n\left( n+1 \right) \left( 2n+1 \right) }{ 6 }.\ _\square
Can you now find a general formula for the sum of cubes or fourth powers?
Find a general formual for 1⋅2+2⋅3+3⋅4+⋯+n(n+1).
We have
By subtracting, we have
By comparing corresponding coefficients, we get
which gives
Our sum then becomes
To find A0, substitute n=1, then the series reduces to its first term:
On simplifying and factorizing,
1⋅2+2⋅3+3⋅4+⋯+n(n+1)=31n(n+1)(n+2). □