Intercepts of Rational Functions
An intercept of a rational function is a point where the graph of the rational function intersects the - or -axis.
For example, the function has -intercepts at and and a -intercept at
Graph of
Finding the intercepts of a rational function is helpful for graphing the function and understanding its behavior.
Finding the -intercept of a Rational Function
The -intercept of a function is the -coordinate of the point where the function crosses the -axis.
The value of the -intercept of is numerically equal to . A function can have at most one -intercept, as it can have at most one value of .
What is the -intercept in the graph of ?
The -intercept of the graph can be obtained by setting , and thus we get
What is the -intercept in the graph of ?
The -intercept can be obtained by setting , and thus we get .
What is the -intercept in the graph of ?
The -intercept can be obtained by setting , and thus we get .
What is the -intercept of the graph
Setting , we get .
Let and be the intercept of on the -axis.
Finding the -intercept of a Rational Function
The -intercept of a function is the -coordinate of the point where the function crosses the -axis.
Since the function can cross the -axis multiple times, it can have multiple -intercepts. The values of -intercepts of can be obtained by setting .
What is the -intercept in the graph of ?
The -intercept can be obtained by setting , so we get .
What is the sum of all the -intercepts in the graph of ?
We can get the -intercept by setting , so we get .
It can be factored as , which implies .
Thus, the -intercepts of the graph are and , so the sum of the -intercepts is .
How many -intercepts are there in the graph of ?
We can get the -intercepts by setting , so we get .
However, is a positive quantity for all real values of and can never be equal to . Hence, this equation has no solutions, and thus the number of -intercepts in the graph is 0.
What is the product of the -intercepts in the graph of ?
We can get the intercepts by setting .
Hence .
However, because each of these values of makes the denominator zero.
So the -intercepts are , and thus their product is .
- Real world examples, where intercepts represent some meaningful concept
- Applications to graphing, link out to Graphing Rational Equations