Uniform Circular Motion
Motion of a circular ball in 3D Cartesian Mapping
New Concept1 First organize a picture of a vehicle in motion wheels turning into directions uniform motion linear if possible and organize a group of computers a system of visual display have the diagram relayed to the screen of the computers in sequence showing a pattern of ascending and descending linear horizontal angular and climbing to show A a flow of information from one area to another in a recordable circular pattern that denotes the movement of the vehicle from one area or display for computer display to another in a formulated plan to denote the movement of the vehicle around the given area when the vehicle has reached its final destination there should be enough computational software to show the movement of the vehicle from one linear display to another denoting the teleportation of the vehicle do you noting the movement of the vehicle denoting be positioning of the vehicle the movement of the display of the vehicle and B plan to show be software delegating be teleportation of the vehicle for one display to another and a plan to do movement of an object information to quantum teleportation
Change the approach infuse the display with a picture of a cup of ice cream with sprinkles cherries make it the flavor of your choice know that the picture will be moving as the vehicle moves throughout the different displays in the circular fashion infused at some point he teleported 3D aspect read the printer designed ice cream to be teleported to the center of the circle by laser influence to hologram and particle relay infusion and polymerization as well as self assembly from the computer systems to actualize and realize through augmented reality from the virtual reality concept of animation to reality and produce an actual cup of ice cream the same applies to the vehicle display producing an actual vehicle
As an added note the medical application to this series would be CHAT the camera holographic‘s and teleportation found at experiment website and lately at Synapse.org and Aha! , denoting the aspect of a picture of a human or animal bacteria bio organism flora or fauna and the allocation of the computer producing a hologram infused with the correct DNA molecules and cellular composition to produce a viable replica or clone an actual manifestation of an original of a picture that was composed or left in the memory of the computer
The mechanisms that are applied in the iOS model to cure various ailments through reducing toxicity in the body and brain can be introduced to promote a healing modality as preferred the fast as the speed of light molecular designation to genetics and cellular composition is noted.
The above displays can be monitored by a preprogrammed flying drone.
Uniform circular motion occurs when an object moves with a constant speed and is always at a fixed distance from a point. The fact that it has to remain at the same distance while maintaining a constant speed implies that it's velocity keeps changing. Velocity is defined by speed and direction, so although an object's speed is constant, its direction changes constantly as it moves around a circle.
This person must run fast enough that the centripetal acceleration is greater than the gravitational acceleration at the top of the loop, or else gravity will pull them down on their head.
Horizontal Circular Motion
Motion of a particle in a horizontal circle would be the most basic version of Uniform Circular Motion, since the force of gravitation doesn't affect the particle's trajectory. Before we get into the mathematical analysis, it's worth giving a shot at understanding what happens to the particle when it starts revolving in a circle, in this case a horizontal one. What we know so far is that the particle needs to maintain the same speed, but at the same time be able to change it's direction. But this appears to be a very unlikely scenario, because a change in velocity can only be brought about when an external force is applied, and applying a force should change the speed of the particle. Or does it really have to change(in every case)? Is there a possible case where both conditions satisfy?
At this particular moment increases the velocity of the block, while the other component changes the trajectory of the block
Let's recall what we know about forces in general, in particular about how a particle's speed is affected under the influence of one. We know that when a force is applied along the particle's direction of motion, it's speed increases, what if the same force is applied at an angle to the particle? Well in that case, only a component of the force will be acting along the particle's direction of motion, thus a part of it doesn't affect it's speed at all(in that direction).
If we observe the general relationship between the angle and the change in speed of the particle, we realize that when the force , acts perpendicularly, the speed never changes. Look more carefully and, alas! We find that when applied perpendicularly, it manages to keep the speed of the particle unchanged and yet manage to change the direction of motion of the particle. Well, this is exactly what we've been looking for! A force that fits perfectly into both definitions of uniform circular motion.
Solving Using Newton's Laws of Motion
Consider this, a particle of mass tied to an in-extensible string at one end, while it's opposite end remains fixed. The particle is now given some horizontal velocity of magnitude , and will tend to move in a horizontal circle of fixed radius . We will now try to define the force acting on the particle, using Newton's second law, which says,
Let's assume the particle is spinning anti-clockwise around the origin. If we compare the particle's motion now to what it is a very short time later (after it's swung through a small angle we can find an equation for the acceleration we're looking for. If the initial and final velocities are and we can write:
[1] The differential angle made when a very small time interval passes
Since the distance between the points deferentially small we can safely say that . We can evaluate the expression for the differential change in velocity by subtracting the expressions we have mentioned above as follows,
\Delta\vec v &= v(\sin(\theta -\Delta\theta)-\sin\theta )\mathbf{i}+v(\cos(\theta -\Delta\theta)-\cos\theta)\mathbf{j}\\
&=-v\left[2\sin\left(\frac{\Delta\theta}2\right)\cos\left(\theta +\frac{\Delta\theta}2\right)\mathbf{i}-2\sin\left(\frac{\Delta\theta}2\right)\sin\left(\theta +\frac{\Delta\theta}2\right)\mathbf{j}\right]\\
&=-v\Delta\theta\left[\cos\left(\theta +\frac{\Delta\theta}2\right)\mathbf{i}-\sin\left(\theta +\frac{\Delta\theta}2\right)\mathbf{j}\right]\quad\quad(\because \sin\Delta\theta\approx\Delta\theta)
And the time interval in which the particle moves by an angle will just be . So the instantaneous acceleration can be calculated for any given point,
Where, is the direction vector which points away from the center. The negative sign indicates that the acceleration vector points towards the center.
?thought experiment?
?Qualitative analysis?
Solving By Differentiating The Position Vector
Let us try to approach this problem in a different way, consider replacing the Cartesian coordinate system by a Polar coordinate system. So we have translated the motion of the particle around the circle of radius in such a way that we can measure it's location, just with the help of the angle it makes with the x-axis. The position vector can be represented by
To get the velocity of the particle, all we have to do is differentiate the position vector with respect to time,
But we end up with this new term, which is the rate at which the angle made with x-axis is changing. Since the particle is moving with a constant speed, it would be covering equal angles in equal intervals of time so this new term must remain constant too, we refer to this term as angular velocity and it is denoted with . Also, we observe the magnitude of velocity to be,
One other thing that we might miss out is the fact that angular velocity is a vector quantity, a question which arises is, how to represent it? Vectors of this sort have a special name, curl vectors, and they are represented based on the sense of curling or rotation. Take out your right hand and curl your fingers along the sense of rotation, your thumb finger would be pointing along the vector, which would be along some normal to the plane. This is true by definition; although it seems strange since the vector is perpendicular to the rotation, this definition turns out to be the only way to formulate a consistent vector theory of rotational forces. A simple analysis would lead us to this obvious yet beautiful result,
Differentiating the velocity vector using the chain rule, we get
We have ignored the term containing , because is constant. The term is defined as the angular acceleration, or the rate of change of angular velocity, and it's significant during non-uniform circular motion where the speed of the particle is not constant(we don't have to worry about it now).
Dynamics Of Circular Motion
The firgure shows the side view Free Body Diagram of a particle moving on an rough horizontal track with a constant velocity, the dot present beside the velocity vector represents(the arrow head) which points out of the page
The motion of the particle changes when new forces are introduced, but then again we have already seen not all forces affect the speed of the system, in particular when the force is applied along the normal to the direction of the particle's trajectory. We will now be taking a look at what happens when one such force, friction, is present. Since friction would try to pull the particle from flying away it will act along the normal to the trajectory.
It is obvious now that we need to have a "track" on which the particle needs to tread on. So let's try to take the entire horizontal setup onto a rough circular track, but giving the particle and initial velocity would not be sufficient for it to continue on the track for long, friction would cause the particle to stop after a finite time. So let the particle have an engine of some sort, with which it can maintain the constant velocity required for a uniform circular motion. Drawing the FBD for the given setup, we get something like this
From the information we have gathered so far, we know that the normal force from the ground would cancel out with the weight of the object hence there would be no net vertical force on the particle. This leaves us with the frictional force which is acting towards center all the time it would be acting as the centripetal force, which we know is so we can write
But has a maximum value, so every circular track would have a speed limit beyond which we would no longer be able to remain on the track, we would start to slide and move away from the track. So to drive safely, the maximum velocity
Banking a circular track can increase the speed barrier so that traversing a the same curve would be possible at higher speeds, qualitatively we can see why this hapeens because the net normal
Free Body Diagram of a particle moving on an banked road
Free Body Diagram of a particle moving on an banked road
Projecting Uniform Circular Motion Into Simple Harmonics
Related Article: Periodic Motion.
From the previous discussions, we had concluded that the position vector of a particle undergoing uniform circular motion can be represented in polar coordinates as follows,
Animation shows the trajectories of a particle in SHM and a particle undergoing Circular Motion with same frequency
Projecting the position vector on either of the coordinate axes gives us a sinusoidal function, which is exactly how SHM's look like, this new discovery helps us in many ways for example, finding the resultant amplitude when super-posing two different SHM's which have different phases and amplitudes. Before we get into that, let's look at the projections first
These equations clearly represent SHM. An important thing to note here is that the radius of the circle is equal to the amplitude of the Simple Harmonic. Differentiating the above expressions would first give us the velocity and then the acceleration functions of the Simple Harmonic, we will just do it for the y-axis here
Reverse projecting the Simple Harmonics of two different particles onto the circles of radii equal to their respective amplitudes
Let's now consider two different Simple Harmonics on the x-axis, each of them having a unique Amplitude and Initial phase, but the same frequency. What happens if we superpose them? How do we work out their resultant Amplitude? These questions can be answered simply by considering Simple Harmonics as a projection of uniform circular motion, as we've seen in the animation, we can easily project the position vector of a particle undergoing uniform circular motion to a Simple Harmonic and vice-versa.
Note that the difference in the phases have separated the two position vectors by a certain angle and they remain separated by the same angle throughout, but if the particles have different frequencies as well then, the phase difference will not remain constant which results in the resultant amplitude to vary as the time passes.
Calculating the resultant amplitude by adding vectors
Non-Uniform Circular Motion
This must be a separate wiki I suppose. Non Uniform Circular Motion.
Up until now, we have tried to understand the simplest type of circular motion where the speed of the particle remains constant throughout it's motion, but things change when an external force field(e.g. gravity) acts on the system, the speed will vary. To understand the dynamics of vertical circular motion, we will have to begin from scratch, since we can't define the exact position function. What we can do is analyze the different forces acting on the particle at a particular point, a free body diagram would look like this
Free Body Diagram of the particle after it has swung through an angle
TENSION comes into play
Conserving energy to eliminate variables
Velocity required to complete a full circle
Case when the particle isn't tied to a string but is inside a loop
[1] Derivation of the area of circle. thecuriousastronomer.wordpress.com. Retrieved 8:30, May 28, 2018 from https://thecuriousastronomer.wordpress.com/2014/07/15/derivation-of-the-area-of-a-circle/