Forms of Linear Equations
The three major forms of linear equations are slope-intercept form, point-slope form, and standard form.
Slope Intercept Form
The slope-intercept form is
It provides us with two important pieces of information about the graph of a line: the slope and the -intercept .
What is the slope of ?
Since the slope is the value of , we can see that the slope of this equation is
What is the -intercept of ?
Since the -intercept occurs when , we can see that the -intercept is
What is the equation of a line with slope and -intercept
Which graph shows the line y =
Point-Slope Form
We use point-slope form when we know a point on the line, and the slope . Given this information, the equation of the line is
Find the equation of the straight line that passes through the point and has slope .
From the point-slope form, the equation is , which can be simplified as
Find the equation of the line which passes through the points and .
The slope of the line is . Hence, the equation of the line is , or .
What is the equation of a line that passes through two points and ?
Standard Form
The standard form of a line is and are integers.
This form of a line is particularly useful for determining both the - and -intercepts. We can determine the -intercept of the line by substituting 0 for and solving for We can determine the -intercept of the line by substituting 0 for and solving for
If the equation of a line is what are the -intercept and -intercept of the line?
To find the -intercept, we substitute 0 for and solve:
To find the -intercept, we substitute 0 for and solve:
The -intercept is and the -intercept is
If the -intercept and -intercept of a line are and , respectively, what is the equation of the line?
Dividing both sides of the standard form equation by yields the equation Given this equation, the -intercept is and the -intercept is
Since our -intercept is 5, Since our -intercept is 6,
Substituting our known values into the equation, we have Multiplying both sides by yields .