Parametric Equations
Some plane curves are not the graphs of functions In particular, graphs of functions cannot fail the vertical line test: for each there can be at most one point on the curve with -coordinate In order to describe more curves, it is convenient to consider and as functions of a separate variable (called a parameter), i.e.
This is known as a parametric equation for the curve that is traced out by varying the values of the parameter
Show that the parametric equation and traces out a circle.
Eliminating gives
which in fact is the equation of a circle with radius .
Parametric Equations - Basic Shapes
A circle centered at with radius can be described by the parametric equation
Eliminating as above leads to the familiar formula
What are the radius and center of
From the general equation above, we have
In the parametric equation
how does affect the circle as changes?
Eliminating gives
which is still a circle with radius and center at the origin. If we have , , i.e. as ranges from to the equation starts at and stops at . This means that it goes halfway through the circle. So governs the rate at which the equation traces out a circle.
Similarly, if the equation moves twice around the circle.
A line that passes through point with slope can be described by the parametric equation
More generally, let where is the tilt angle. Changing to the parametric equation will become
Let be two points of interception between line and parabola . What is the length
passes through point and has a tilt angle of and hence the parametric equations
Substituting into the parabola gives
Converting from a parametric equation to an equation in terms of Cartesian coordinates involves eliminating :
What does the parametric equation
Plugging the value of in which is into gives
This is the equation of a parabola opening to the right.
What is the shape of the curve described by the above parametric equation?
Tangent Lines
The slope of the tangent line to a curve at a point is When and are defined parametrically, the derivative can be computed as or more symmetrically as follows:
If a curve is given by parametric equations and the tangent line to the curve at the point is given by
as long as either or
Here are some special cases:
- Parabola
Equation of tangent at the point with parameter
Equation of normal at the point with parameter - Ellipse (possibly a circle)
Equation of tangent at the point with parameter
Equation of normal at the point with parameter - Hyperbola
Equation of tangent at the point with parameter
Equation of normal at the point with parameter
Let be the curve given by the parametric equations
for What is the equation of the tangent line at the points and on the curve?
Since and plugging in gives
So the tangent line at is vertical.
On the other hand, at so the equation is
So the tangent line is horizontal.
A curve is parametrically represented as
where is a parameter.
Find the length of tangent to the curve at the point where its -coordinate is equal to its -coordinate.
The length of tangent is defined as the distance between the point of contact with the curve and the point where the tangent meets the -axis.
Given the parametric equations above, compute .
Parametric Equations of Conic Sections
An ellipse with center at the origin and axes coinciding with the coordinate axes is usually described by the following parametrization:
where and are the lengths of the semi-major axis and the semi-minor axis, respectively.
Similarly, the parametric equation of an ellipse is
Eliminating gives
Note that when the equation becomes that of a circle.
Given the parametric equation of an ellipse
what will be the length of the semi-major and semi-minor axes of the ellipse?
Eliminating the parameter, we have
Thus, the length of the semi-major axis is and the length of the semi-minor axis is .
A useful formula is the following equation of the line joining the points with parameters and :
An east-west opening hyperbola centered at can be described by the parametric equation
where is the length of the semi-major axis and is the length of the semi-minor axis.
Eliminating gives
Similarly, for a north-south opening hyperbola, the parametric equation is
Area under Parametric Equations
Let a curve , where . If is differentiable and is continuous, the area bounded by and the -axis is
Note that this is signed area; the area below the -axis is counted as negative area.
Show that the area of an ellipse with axis lengths and is
The parametric equation of an ellipse centered at is
Our approach is to only consider the upper half, then multiply it by two to get the area of the entire ellipse.
First, we need to find the left and right bounds in terms of , such that
Parametric Equations Problem Solving
Show that the parametric equation of a projectile traces out a parabola.
We have
Substituting the value of from parameter into parameter , we have
Let and , then
which indeed is the equation of a parabola opening downward.
A cow is tied to a silo with radius by a rope just long enough to reach the opposite end of the silo.
Find the area available for grazing by the cow.
Enter the answer for , rounded to the nearest hundredth.