Math History
Learn math alongside the people who invented and discovered it.
Mathematical Stories
Rectangle by Squaring
Egyptian Multiplication
The Prime Sieve
Even Patterns
Perfect Numbers
Mersenne Primes
Course description
This course recounts both stories and specific, mathematical challenges from the lives and research of about a dozen famous—and infamous—mathematicians. All of them made huge mistakes. Many of them struggled to get recognition for some of their best work. And they all died with unanswered questions, many of which we _still_ don't know the answers to. Every single one left behind an astounding mathematical legacy. People from every part of the world and in every century of history have advanced the frontiers of mathematics. The five journeys we'll stick with the longest are those of Nichomachus, Brahmagupta, Al-Khwarismi, Gerolamo Cardano, and Ada Lovelace. The stories of both their lives and research are intriguing and inspiring. Meet some of these people who mapped what we know of the world of mathematics, explore alongside them, and learn from both their success and their failures!
Topics covered
- Algorithms
- Bernoulli Numbers
- Conjecture and Proof
- Imaginary Numbers
- Irrational Numbers
- Multiplication Methods
- Radicals
- Perfect Numbers
- Polynomials
- Prime Numbers
- Quadratic Equations
- Sequences and Patterns
- Zero
Prerequisites and next steps
A basic understanding of algebra is recommended.
Up next
Geometric Thinking
Strengthen your geometric intuition and logical reasoning skills through problem solving.
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